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佳士得纽约『露芙及卡尔 · 巴伦珍藏中国鼻烟壶』抢先看
2018年08月09日 来源:




Lot 663

1750-1850年 苏作芝亭流派玛瑙雕人物图鼻烟壶

估价:30,000-50,000 美元

尺寸:高4.7 cm


The Martin Schoen Collection.

Neal W. and Frances R. Hunter Collection; Sotheby's New York, 15 September 1998, lot 384.

Ruth and Carl Barron Collection, Belmont, Massachusetts, no. 2706.

Lot 684

1750-1840年 玛瑙雕卧鹿形鼻烟壶

估价:30,000-50,000 美元

尺寸:长6.6 cm


Robert Hall, London, 2002.

Ruth and Carl Barron Collection, Belmont, Massachusetts, no. 3589.

Lot 722

1740-1840年 灰玉雕亭台山水图鼻烟壶

估价:20,000-30,000 美元

尺寸:高7 cm


Hugh Moss (HK) Ltd., Hong Kong, 2000.

Ruth and Carl Barron Collection, Belmont, Massachusetts, no. 2937

Lot 622

1780-1860年 翠玉长方鼻烟壶

估价:14,000-18,000 美元

尺寸:高5.7 cm


Robert Hall, London.

Ruth and Carl Barron Collection, Belmont, Massachusetts, no. 2508.

Lot 642

1760-1820年 蓝地套白玻璃雕八吉祥鼻烟壶

估价:12,000-15,000 美元

尺寸:高6 cm

来源:Ruth and Carl Barron Collection, Belmont, Massachusetts, no. 2764.

Lot 701

1750-1840年 玛瑙巧雕金玉满堂图鼻烟壶

估价:12,000-15,000 美元

尺寸:高6 cm


Robert Kleiner, Belfont Company Ltd., Hong Kong, 1995.

Ruth and Carl Barron Collection, Belmont, Massachusetts, no. 1777.

Lot 702

1750-1800年 御制剔红人物故事图鼻烟壶

估价:12,000-15,000 美元

尺寸:高5.3 cm


Robert Hall, London, 1998.

Ruth and Carl Barron Collection, Belmont, Massachusetts, no. 2720.

Lot 703

1760-1800年 玉髓玛瑙雕莲塘图鼻烟壶

估价:12,000-15,000 美元

尺寸:高5 cm


Hugh Moss (HK) Ltd., Hong Kong, 2001.

Ruth and Carl Barron Collection, Belmont, Massachusetts, no. 3163.

Lot 721

1750-1820年 白玉诗文鼻烟壶

估价:12,000-15,000 美元

尺寸:高5.7 cm


Hugh Moss (HK) Ltd., Hong Kong, 2000.

Ruth and Carl Barron Collection, Belmont, Massachusetts, no. 2933.

Lot 737

1760-1820年 玛瑙巧雕四驹图鼻烟壶

估价:12,000-15,000 美元

尺寸:高5.7 cm


Hugh Moss (HK) Ltd., Hong Kong, 2000.

Ruth and Carl Barron Collection, Belmont, Massachusetts, no. 3034.

Lot 646

1740-1850年 青玉雕灵芝图鼻烟壶

估价:10,000-15,000 美元

尺寸:高6.9 cm


Robert Hall, London, 1979.

The Guo’an Collection, no. 306.

Sotheby’s Hong Kong, 30 October, 2000, lot 617.

Hugh Moss (HK) Ltd., Hong Kong, 2001.

Ruth and Carl Barron Collection, Belmont, Massachusetts, no. 3153.

Lot 685

1800-1900年 翠玉雕饮酒图鼻烟壶

估价:10,000-15,000 美元

尺寸:高5.3 cm


The Gerry P. Mack Collection.

Robert Kleiner, Belfont Company Ltd., Hong Kong, 2001.

Ruth and Carl Barron Collection, Belmont, Massachusetts, no. 3119.

Lot 738

乙未年(1895) 马少宣作玻璃内画「百蝶图」鼻烟壶

估价:10,000-12,000 美元

尺寸:高6 cm


Robert Kleiner, Belfont Company Ltd., Hong Kong, 1996.

Edgar and Roberta Prescott Wise Collection.

Ruth and Carl Barron Collection, Belmont, Massachusetts, no. 2050.

Lot 623

1820-1850年 王炳荣作素胎模印镂雕游龙赶珠鼻烟壶

估价:8,000-10,000 美元

尺寸:高6 cm


Colonel Kedzior Collection.

Robert Kleiner, Belfont Company Ltd., Hong Kong, 1998.

Ruth and Carl Barron Collection, Belmont, Massachusetts,no. 2677

Lot 624

1780-1880年 皮影玛瑙踏雪寻梅图鼻烟壶

估价:8,000-10,000 美元

尺寸:高6.3 cm


Gerd Lester Collection; Sotheby’s New York, 22 March 1998, lot 124.

Hugh Moss (HK) Ltd., Hong Kong, 1999.

Ruth and Carl Barron Collection, Belmont, Massachusetts, no. 2832.

Lot 643

甲午年(1894) 马少宣作玻璃内画仕女图诗文鼻烟壶

估价:8,000-10,000 美元

尺寸:高6.3 cm


De Lisle Collection, Auckland, New Zealand.

Robert Hall, London, 1998.

Ruth and Carl Barron Collection, Belmont, Massachusetts, no. 2725.

Lot 644

1800-1900年 翠玉巧雕马上封侯图鼻烟壶

估价:8,000-10,000 美元

尺寸:高5.7 cm


The Gerry Mack Collection, Sotheby’s New York, 25 October 1997, lot 145.

Robert Kleiner, Belfont Company Ltd., Hong Kong, 2000.

Ruth and Carl Barron Collection, Belmont, Massachusetts, no. 3029.

Lot 645

1740-1860年 砾岩鼻烟壶

估价:8,000-10,000 美元

尺寸:高5.7 cm


Hugh Moss (HK) Ltd., Hong Kong, 1996.

Ruth and Carl Barron Collection, Belmont, Massachusetts, no. 2255.

Lot 662

1767-1780年 御制玻璃胎画珐瑯斗蟋蟀图鼻烟壶


估价:8,000-10,000 美元

尺寸:高6 cm


Boston, International Chinese Snuf Bottle Society Convention,

The Barron Collection, 23-26 September 2008.

Lot 664

1820-1900年 金雕游龙赶珠图鼻烟壶

估价:8,000-10,000 美元

尺寸:高5 cm


Ko Collection.

Hugh Moss (HK) Ltd., Hong Kong, 1998.

Ruth and Carl Barron Collection, Belmont, Massachusetts, no. 2612.